Monday, June 7, 2010

Central Oregon Margaritaville

Cheeers! Here's to new friendships!

When one thinks of Central Oregon one doesn’t usually think of it as Margaritaville, but I certainly enjoyed a good one today with our new friend Wanda Sobiegraj.

Ted met Wanda on the road to Sisters on Day 10, and if her name sounds familiar, it’s because she’s Ange’s Sister. Wanda recently moved to Bend from Detroit where she worked for many years. Her hobbies include hiking and snowshoeing and we certainly think she has landed in the right place!

Sharing the road with cyclists on Day 10
Ted and Wanda’s walk took them through the great ponderosa pine forests outside of Sisters. And although Wanda swears she couldn’t have walked this far, we clocked her section of the day’s journey at 9.5 miles. A lunch break brought us into Sisters where we enjoyed a great lunch at El Rancho Grande, which is my kind of restaurant. When Wanda and I said we really preferred that our enchiladas be made with corn tortillas instead of flour, their answer, “No problem.” And though we limited ourselves to one margarita because, after all, we were walking/driving the WOA Sag Wagon that day, I’ll be back for another, one of these days.

Beatuiful ponderosa pine bark
It was in this area that I first fell in love with central Oregon, when Ted brought me here over 15 years ago. The majestic, proud, ponderosa’s still fascinate me with their beautiful, rust colored bark. I love the dry climate, the bright blue skies and the wonderful smells that arise from the forest floor.

After placing the WAO rock at the end of the day, we retreated to the Black Butte Resort in Camp Sherman, which is nestled deep in the ponderosa pines. While Ted rested I took a short hike to the head of the Metolius River. The Metolius has been described as a “magical river” as it emerges a fully grown, spring fed river from the base of Black Butte. My day ended with this beautiful sight. A great day, a new friend, a good night’s rest. What more could you ask.

Ted and Wanda in Sisters

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